a pebble

i was the pebble i guess

dropped from a height

into the vast stretch of the ocean

i made a splash

some noticed

some marveled

and then no one cared

back again i was there in my own world i was there

nowhere to be found again

somewhere in depth

someplace unknown

some place solicit

rejoicing my solitude

i shall breathe my last here 

and still no one shall care

i am that prayer i guess

a prayer left unanswered

a blessing not showered

a road not traveled

a song unsung

the splashed drops of ink

just a pebble , as i know

a pebble – left undiscovered

in the shelters of the ocean

feeling the waves 

touch my coarse skin

finding solace in the fact that it was there, the water

it was a shelter, a well wisher, a warm womb

or just a reminder? a reminder of my loneliness

but who am i to wonder all this

just a pebble who is not even questioned by existence itself

but then i was a question i guess

one of those which are left unanswered …

2 comments on “a pebble

  1. Lalit says:

    I love this one.. The best one so far ..

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